Meet Georgee
Purpose diviner. Adventurer. Believer in human potential

Georgee Low, Founder
Hi! I’m Georgee and this is the page where you can get to know me a little better. This community is dedicated to my dad who had one simple rule, “Love people”. Every day I do my best to honor that rule in his memory. Some days I do really well at it and others I fail miserably. 🙂
I am an optimist. I believe you have the right to wake up every day inspired and go to bed each night fulfilled. And in the middle live the most epic life ever.
I believe in a world of kindness, a world where people feel valued, a world where everybody matters. I believe that every human being has greatness inside of them. And I believe that when you share your greatness and show up as your unique self the world is a better place.
My WHY is to inspire people to take action to create the life they really, really, really want. The life that you dream about. The one that would truly fulfill and excite you. And you have to take responsibility for making that happen.
Where better to start that in a community of your peers who are amazing humans and ready to support, celebrate and champion you.
I LOVE business! I believe entrepreneurship is the most amazing vehicle for providing the financial resources that will lead to a life of freedom. It can also the best personal development program on the planet. Business is a way to bring value to the world, make an impact and serve others.
Fun Facts About Georgee

I have two grown children, one dog and one cat. My children still keep me on my toes and are by far my greatest teachers. The dog thinks he is my protector and the cat….well she does whatever she wants.

To keep myself sane I spend time outside everyday, Usually a 5km walk or run in my favorite forest by the river. Occasionally an endurance event, but only if I can wear a costume.

I love nature, especially being in the mountains. Mount Everest is my favorite and I have been obsessed probably from the time I was about 5 years old. One of my favorite vacations was a trekk to Everest Base Camp.

I love to read. Mostly non-fiction. I almost always have a book in my purse. Events where I have the opportunity to meet the author and get my books signed…awesome!

Coffee & Potato Chips
Coffee and potato chips are my addictions. That Lay’s potato chip commercial that says “No one can eat just one” definitely describes me. Currently I am in recovery for the potato chips (at least at the time I am writing this post.)

Podcasts that are long form and interview awesome people are my jam. My favorite host is Rich Roll. A few of my other favorites are Huberman Lab, Cool Conversations, Lex Fridman and Diary of a CEO.

Singing & Dancing
I love to sing and dance. I am not very good at either…and I don’t let that stop me. I often make up my own songs to entertain my clients, kids, friends, family…and pretty much anyone who will listen.

Laughing is one of my favorite things. Need someone to tell a silly joke to…hit me up. I think I’m funny and so does my mom… kids disagree.
Your Community Leader
Georgee’s background, experience and specific areas of expertise

Master Practitioner of NLP, Certified in Timeline Therapy and Hypnosis
Certified Business Coach and Strategist – known for her simple, step-by-step sales strategies that bring results to her clients
25+ years of experience building businesses – including a landscape company, bookkeeping company, moving company and business development company
Volunteer and supporter of Veterans Off Grid
Nominated for the Royal Bank of Canada Women of Influence award.
Talents: connecting with people, selling, motivation, staying focused, taking action, business development, interpersonal communication, problem solving, creating clarity
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Decide Your Life
VAncouver, B.C.